Sunday, 4 January 2009

An Apology

Dear Blog Fan,
I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to you about the lack of blogness recently. I'm sure if you'd have been that bothered you'd have complained. So I'll just get down to it shall I?

About a week before Christmas my family all got Leprosy, including me. It was horrible and subsequently ruined my birthday. Instead of going to bed at 4am after drinking copious amounts of alcohol as I'd planned, I was in bed by 9pm after drinking copious amounts of Lemsip, which incidentally tastes like it's been through a gerbil's digestive system.

Christmas was average, as always. It's the same thing every year, and it's always on the same day! How boring! My favourite present was obviously my brand new slinky. Screw all the new clothes and DVDs and the rest of the expensive stuff. Slinky's where it's at!

After a week's solid slinky play, 2008 was over. It wasn’t a great year for a lot of reasons. The main reason being that I saw Callie Gower 6 times. And we all know that once a decade is quite enough. So let’s all hope that 2009 is a good, fun, Callie-free year!

Shalom to You.


Alex said...

Woo, finally! After repeatedly refreshing my Blogger Dashboard for the past 25 days, a new blog has been written! I can sleep easy now...

Anonymous said...

The wedding is off!!!