Firstly, I think we're all in agreement that I have an unhealthy need for late 70s/80s rock. I'm not denying it but just wanted to show that I don't just sit all day in a darkened room listening to Rush and Journey, I also sit in a darkened room listening to slightly more modern music (sometimes).
Oh and I liked the songs before Guitar Hero did, the guys at Guitar Hero just have good taste! Kudos to Alex on liking Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake. I think we've both come away from this experiment with a slightly more varied music taste. I know I'll be checking out more of Gym Class Heroes, Dan le Sac and Scroobius Pip and also Rilo Kiley. We've both learned something!
Something which really surprised me about Alex's playlist was that a lot of the songs sounded really similar, something which Alex also said about mine. The word generic was used an awful lot on both sets of reviews, but I'm sure if you asked either one of us about our own playlists we'd swear that they weren't. I suppose it's just a case of what you're used to, and nothing will ever change it.
Going into this experiment, my ultimate aim was to convert Alex into a genuine Rock-a-holic, and I'm sure he expected me to come out of it a changed man, but I've definitely realised that there's no way to change anyone's music taste. A song that's absolute garbage to one guy is a musical gem to another. Foo Fighters being a stand out example; I love them, I'm not ashamed to say that I'd love to spoon with Dave Grohl while listening to DOA, but they don't do anything for Alex. Music taste is so diverse and I'm just glad that our music taste crosses over at some points and we can both agree that bands such as Nickelback, RHCP and the Stereophonics are all fantastic! Long Live King Chad!

P.S. Gwen Stefani really is quite hot and cold isn't she? Who in their right mind would wanna do 'the nasty' with a fried egg?

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